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Staffing Successfully for Your Business

Hiring a new employee is as much an art as it is a science. Hire the right person, and you have a valuable team member who will make a positive contribution to your company’s bottom line for years to come. Make the wrong hiring decision, and you risk taking on a liability that can extend far beyond the financial impact. Successful recruiters take the time to truly understand and practice their craft. The best ones have the process down to a science and are very successful at it.

The process required to find a new recruit is very similar to the steps followed in the development of a successful marketing plan. Before starting the process, management needs to have a solid understanding of company requirements, operations and business goals. Skills and competencies must be identified to meet these goals, and a strategy must be outlined to determine which target markets or audiences will best meet these needs.

Today, there is an endless array of tools and technologies to help you find the better fit. Many are time-consuming and costly. For some, the decision to hire a professional recruiting firm is a valuable asset in the search for quality talent.

The Hiring Process

  1. Needs assessment
  2. Develop an effective job description
  3. Advertise the position
  4. Recruitment and screening
  5. Interviews
  6. Candidate selection
  7. Offer and acceptance

In today’s competitive hiring environment, the question of “fit” is essential to finding the right person for the job. Mistakes made in the hiring process can be costly.

Download Lannick’s Staffing Successfully guide for a detailed explanation of the entire hiring process.

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